Ozone therapy for shoulder pain
In previous chapters we introduced informations about injection of pain medications. Corticosteroids (cortisone) are one of the most popular injectable drugs in most clinics. The effect of corticosteroid therapy for the treatment of pain is temporary and injections must be repeated. Repeated injections of corticosteroids causes development of disease, muscle weakness, tearing of muscles, arthritic changes (Degeneration). In addition, other side effects of corticosteroids in the body. The main candidates for pain relief injection are elderly people. This group of people are often involved in the underlying disease that corticosteroid injections can make them more severely. Diseases such as:
- Bone loss
- High blood sugar levels, especially in people with diabetes
- High blood pressure
These problems forced scientists to replace mostly harmless drugs alternative to corticosteroids for injections. Dr Bagherzadi uses the modern ozone therapy technique to relief pain in his patients.
Ozone therapy benefits
- Promotes metabolism
- Detox the body
- Purifies the blood and lymph system
- Reduce chances of shock and stroke
- Prevents/reverses degenerative diseases
- Eliminates auto-immune diseases
When to inject?
The decision when to perform subacromial injection is based on a failure to progress with the rotator cuff rehabilitation due to the pain. The pain prevents the physiotherapist and the patient from being able to perform the exercises required to rehabilitate and stabilise the rotator cuff. Patients in this group usually have significant night pain with an inability to lie on their shoulders and restricted activities in lifting their arm above shoulder level.
Ultrasound guided rotator cuff muscle injection
In this way we can examin rotator cuff muscle (the shoulder deep muscle layer) during shoulder motion and muscle contraction by the use of ultrasound. By the use of this method it is also possible to identify tendon disorders, muscles and tendons inflammation, bursa inflammation, fluid in the shoulder and the shoulder joint destructions.
After the diagnosis process, doctor performes injecting ozone under the guidance of ultrasound examinations. To do this, he uses the live ultrasound image of the needle path in the shoulder. Ozone therapy is usually done for several times. After injections, the shoulder pain fully releaves. Another advantage of ozone therapy is to eradicate pain for always.
After ozon therapy patient should continue the treatment procedure by physical therapy at home.