application of ultrasound in treatment of chronic pains

عملیات تعقیب درد با سونوگرافی

Ultrasound has become a commonly used modality in the performance of chronic pain interventions

Unique advantages of Ultrasound

Ultrasound is a technology for evaluating and treating abnormalities of soft tissues, nerves and joints. X-rays are very good for identifying bone related problems but of little use in identifying soft tissue. Ultrasound is best for this.
Ultrasound for pain management uses sound waves interpreted through sophisticated software to visualize muscles, tendons, nerves and joint openings. It is completely safe and painless. It has three main uses in pain management.

  • Non-Healing and Persistent Injuries
  • Persistent Nerve Pain
  • Joint Pain

Non-Healing and Persistent Injuries

Injuries to ligaments, tendons and muscles are common pain problems. Common examples include tennis elbow, golfers elbow, impingement partial tearing of supraspinatus muscle, biceps tendonitis, abdominal muscle strain and hip related muscle pain. Ultrasound is extremely helpful to identify the problematic painful area and guide treatment often confirming the diagnosis and allowing a rational treatment plan.

Persistent Nerve Pain

Is another common problem. Examples include carpal tunnel syndrome, entrapment of nerves such as ulnar, ilioinguinal, lateral femoral cutaneous and posterior tibial. These problems in order could produce pain, tingling or weakness of the hands, groin, thigh or foot. Ultrasound is extremely helpful in identifying the nerve and allowing accurate guidance of a needle for injection of medicine. Again this approach allows an accurate approach to nerve related problems and therefore allows a specific treatment plan. Ultrasound is an imaging approach that allows identification and injection guided treatment of nerve problems.

Joint Pain

Joint pain can also be a problem for a patient. X-rays, CT scans and MRI are the best modality for diagnosing changes in joints. Ultrasound, however, can be helpful for guiding a needle into a joint and allowing a precise location of medicine within a specific joint. Painful problems in muscles, tendons, nerves and joints are often responsive to injection of local anesthetic and steroid as these problems are often inflammatory in nature. This is a common treatment a patient will encounter at NPM and is covered by insurance as is the use of ultrasound.


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