non invasive knee treatments

Knee pain is a common disorder that takes place in almost all bone structures of the knee including knee joint (hip, tibia and fibula), patella, or ligaments, cartilages and knee meniscus. Most times, knee disorders react well to non-aggressive treatments anddo not require surgeries.

Causes of knee pain:

The most common knee pains that do not require an intervention are:

  • Knee arthritis: at the end of muscles’ bone there is a layer of cartilage which facilitates movement and also works as a bumper. Arthritis degrades cartilages and changes the tissue of underlying bones as well as forming bone appendages some of which sometimes get detached and start floating, ultimately resulting in reduction of joint space, angle change, pain and or inflammation.
  • Torn meniscus: the meniscus is a C shape cartilage with flexibility, safeguarding the knee on both inner and outer levels. It is also a bumper and results in stability of the joint. Knee meniscus tearing is usually the result of twisting or rapid rotation of bended knee. It is usually observed in athletes and elder people.
  • Patella tendon injury: patella tendon is situated at the lower end of the patella and to it the quadriceps are connected. This stiff tendon is almost two centimeters thick and its task is to strengthen the leg along with the quadriceps. The most obvious symptoms of injury of this tendon include feeling of pain in the front side of the knww. Repeated sports activities including kicking and jumping impose a high amount of pressure on this tendon and result in inflammation and tearing as well as feeling of pain in the lower end of the knee.


Symptoms of knee problems are usually surfaced in time and escalate as time passes. These symptoms include:

Pain: the joints become painful in movements and under pressure; the painful spots may vary due to injury spot

Dry joints: dry joints which is even more severe in morning

Inflammation: the joints become inflammatory even under low pressures

Reduced flexibility: the joints movement range becomes limited

Knee locking: the knee joint locks in the middle of movements

Crepitus: hearing a sound of abrasion while moving

Diagnosis of knee pain causes

Early diagnosis of knee problems prevents the progression of injury. The diagnosis includes description by the patient, physical inspection and performance of experiments and required imageries including simple graphs for inspection of soft tissues and MRI as well.

Drugs effective of Knee Pain:

Drugs are used for elimination of symptoms in the acute level of pain, and include anti-inflammatory painkillers and cartilage maker compounds

Nonaggressive knee pain therapies:

Physiotherapy: in physiotherapy a combination of inactive methods and exercises and corrective movements are prescribed for strengthening of the muscle structure. Inactive therapeutic modalities such as ice/heat, ultrasound and electrical stimulation reduce pain and cramping. The patients learn the methods of flexibility and motion range improvement methods with the help of unique exercises and improve their muscular strength which supports the knee. The patients must not be concerned regarding going to this type of therapy; furthermore patients suffering from pain and motor problems can benefit from isometric exercises as well.

Medical knee strap: using a knee strap or brace in the primary process reduces the pressure on the knee which results in disappearance of pain and symptoms to a certain extent.

Medical shoes: expert medical shoes are suitable for balancing the knee and improving the efficiency of the patella. Wearing a proper shoe is highly effective on treatment of this disease.

Massage and Manipulation: the basis of these technics which are performed by hand is to strengthen the muscular structure of tissues surrounding the knee

High capability laser: making use of high capability pulse laser results in improvement of cellular energy and also heals the injured tissues and also stops the progression to some extent.

Interventional and or less-aggressive therapies:

Interventional measures are taken by pain experts under the help of X-Ray or ultrasound in the operation room, and include:

  • Ozone injection: the therapy of knee pain through Ozone injection is effective on a variety of knee problems. In cases of knee injury including knee arthritis this method improves the blood flow in the injured tissue and therefore through preparing the beneficial materials in the tissue, it improves the rate of healing. In this method, 25 micrograms of Ozone is injected into the injured knee tissue and ultimately the pain and inflammation will be healed. However this method stimulates fibrous sediments in order to make the cells repair the injured tissue. Ozone injection must be repeated every one or two weeks and after one or two sessions the patients will reach their desirable condition.
  • PRP injection: PRP or platelet rich plasma is an efficient therapy for knee arthritis. In this method, condensed platelets possessing cellular growth factors are prepared and injected and prevent the progression of tissue destruction process, as well as promoting healing. This method is side-effect free since the PRP is obtained from the patient’s blood.
  • Orthokine injection: in Orthokine therapy, the patient’s blood will be taken and its serum will be refined. This injection will contain IL-1Ra and will reduce pain and inflammation in the injured tissue as well as promoting recovery.
  • Radiofrequency: pulse mode radiofrequency is used for repairing the problems within joints as well as adjustment of pain transfer neurological message, knee nerves and etc.
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