cancer pair relief

التیام دردهای سرطانی

You don’t have to accept pain

Although cancer pain or associated symptoms often cannot be entirely eliminated, appropriate use of available therapies can effectively relieve pain in most patients. Pain management improves the patient’s quality of life throughout all stages of the disease. Patients with advanced cancer experience multiple concurrent symptoms with pain; therefore, optimal pain management necessitates a systematic symptom assessment and appropriate management for optimal quality of life.
What You Should Know About Treating Cancer Pain

  • Your pain can be managed.
  • Controlling pain is part of your cancer treatment.
  • Controlling pain is part of your cancer treatment.
  • Talking openly with your doctor and health care team will help them manage your pain.

Medicines To Treat Cancer Pain

Your doctor prescribes medicine based on the kind of pain you have and how severe it is. In studies, these medicines have been shown to help control cancer pain. Doctors use three main groups of drugs for pain: nonopioids, opioids, and other types. You may also hear the term analgesics used for these pain relievers. Some are stronger than others.
Opioid therapy is the first-line approach for moderate or severe chronic pain in populations with active cancer. However, the comprehensive management of pain in patients with cancer also requires expertise in the use of the nonopioid analgesics, such as acetaminophen, non-steroidal antiinflammatory agents (NSAIDs), and a group of drugs referred to as “adjuvant” analgesics or coanalgesics.
To relieve cancer pain, doctors often prescribe pills or liquids. But there are also other ways to take medicines, such as:

    • Mouth
    • Injections (shots): There are two different kinds of shots

Under the skin.
In the vein.

  • Skin patches
  • Rectal suppositories
  • In or around the spinal cord
Nerve block

A nerve block is a procedure where a local anesthetic (a numbing drug), often combined with a steroid, is injected into or around a nerve or into the space around the spinal cord to block pain. After the injection, the nerve is no longer able to relay pain so the pain is relieved for some time. For longer-lasting pain relief, phenol or alcohol can be injected. A nerve block may cause muscle paralysis or a loss of all feeling in the affected area.

When Medicine Is Not Enough

Some patients have pain that is not relieved by medicine. In these cases the following treatments for cancer pain management can be used to reduce pain

Sympathetic Nerve Blocks for Pain

A sympathetic nerve block is believed by many pain physicians to be an effective method for controlling chronic pain. However, there is not a great deal of medical evidence to show whether these blocks are actually helpful. This therapy targets the sympathetic nervous system, a series of nerves that spread out from your spine to your body to help control several involuntary body functions, or body functions that you have no control over. These include blood flow, digestion, and sweating.

Radiofrequency Lesioning

Radiofrequency lesioning is the application of electrical current to promote thermocoagulation and nerve destruction. It is used to ablate pain pathways in the trigeminal ganglion, spinal cord, dorsal root entry zone, dorsal root ganglion, sympathetic chain, facet joints, and peripheral nerves. Since it causes nerve destruction, this technique is utilized only as end of the line therapeutic modality when other measures have failed. Fluoroscopic guidance is a requirement for proper needle placement. Patients must be free from substance abuse or drug addiction, and be involved in a multidisciplinary approach to pain management including psychological counseling, behavioral management program, physical therapy, and other therapeutic modalities. The patient is also informed of the risks and benefits of the procedure and a written informed consent must be signed in front of a witness.

Nerve blocks/implanted pump

Certain nerve blocks, temporary or permanent, may help relieve some painful conditions. Implanted pain pumps can also provide relief in some patients.
Spinal analgesia: Low doses of pain medicine may be injected into the fluid around the spine (called intrathecal injection). If this works, a tube and a pump may be used to deliver the pain medicine right into the spinal fluid to control the pain. Morphine is often used for this purpose, and you can still have side effects like itching and constipation. Surgery is done to put the small pump and tube into your body.
Epidural: Certain kinds of pain may respond to pain medicine that’s injected into the space around the layers of the spine. If this works, a pump can be implanted so that you can get pain medicines right around the nerves. This may cause numbness or weakness of the treated area.


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